
Taking Hy

A lyrical and haunting elegy about a young boy who confronts the spirit of his dead father. The debut short by director Michael Spitz.

  • San Sebastian International Film Festival 1999
  • Raindance Film Festival 1999
  • Chicago Film Festival 1999
  • Cincinnati International Film Festival 2001 (Best Regional Short)

Dream of Buses

They ran away and paid the fare to find love.

A young boy and teenage girl search for love, finding each other in the brutal desert terrain of an abandonded bus yard.

  • Giffoni Film Festival, Italy 2005
  • Ohio Independent Film Festival 2004
  • Sidewalk Moving Picture Film Festival 2004


A man, a dead woman, and a car

  • Flicker Festival, New York City


A chick shoe thief steals a high class lady’s shoes off her feet and gets her ass kicked.

Toe to Toe

Two men fight over a dollar bill in an abandoned parking lot.

  • Flicker Festival, North Carolina

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