Photo Books

LensWork magazine feature Madhouse – Portraits of Mental Illness is a series of black and white images of people living with chronic mental illness. The series is featured in issue #100 (May-June 2012) of LENSWORK Magazine. An extended version and interview is available on DVD and for iPad and Android. Purchase online at LensWork

crumbling city by Mike Spitz Medicated for your Protection – Portraits of Mental Illness is a fine art book of Black & White portraits of individuals living with chronic mental illness. Purchase online at or buy the LIMITED EDITION version (12×15) with a beautiful Slipcase by contacting Mike Spitz at


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Okinawa by Dr. Harold Spitz and Mike Spitz OKINAWA  – Memories from Kadena Air Force Base 1957- 1959 is a collection of photographs taken by Mike Spitz’s father, Dr. Harold Spitz when he was a medical officer in the US Air Force. Stationed in Okinawa, Japan during the late fifties, his father’s photographs capture a time of relative peace between the Korean and Vietnam Wars as well as documenting his parents’ first two years of their marriage together. All photos are from Kodachrome slides.  Book design by Mike Spitz. Purchase online at

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crumbling city by Mike Spitz crumbling city by Mike Spitz - back cover Crumbling City is a collection of color and black & white photographs exploring the nostalgic decay of the American urban landscape. A superb follow up to his first book, “Etranger”. Purchase online at

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Étranger Étranger back cover ÉTRANGER is Mike Spitz’s debut book of 53 black/white and color photographs including urban street scenes, rural landscapes, portraits, abandoned railroad tracks, subways and train stations, and old cars. The images were taken during journeys across America, Spain, and Israel. Available in hard and soft cover.

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Xlibris or for phone orders: 888-795-4274 x479 Amazon
Barnes & Noble

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